
[剧情] 星球大战 六部合集 Star.Wars.Episode.1977-2005.1080p.Bluray.DTS-HD-6.1.x264-Grym 111.01GB

蓝鸟 发表于 2019-8-24 21:00:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
星球大战 六部合集 Star.Wars.Episode.1977-2005.1080p.Bluray.DTS-HD-6.1.x264-Grym 111.01GB-1.jpg
1 p3 _, U  c# I3 N
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The.Phantom.Menace.1**.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD-6.1.x264-Grym.(@BTNET).mkv* o* S  m  o8 l5 T# z
Two Jedi Knights escape a hostile blockade to find allies and come across a young boy who may bring balance to the Force, but the long dormant Sith resurface to reclaim their old glory.  
Director..........:  George Lucas4 g2 Y# h, J! a6 f8 B
: g  i3 ?0 F( y: P# l  a7 i
Writer............:  George Lucas4 ]* q6 v4 v! E
8 J. @5 z. T6 |  ]) k
Starring..........:  Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman        
6 ~! V, n2 i  ^
iMDB URL..........:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120915
SOURCE TYPE.......:  Retail Blu-Ray (39,0 Movie / 42,4 GB Full)3 j2 r/ d8 l0 ~/ T- A
ViDEO SPECS.......:  x264 2PASS @ 14000+ Kbps (High@L4.1)! _% F1 O  s0 o2 r. y1 q
AUDiO SPECS 1.....:  English DTS-HD 6.1 4815 kbps 24 bit (Core: 1509 kbps)
AUDiO SPECS 2.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew* x$ }9 ?3 E* f! P$ Z
AUDiO SPECS 3.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew
RUNTiME...........:  2h 16 min% [7 K; k) ~4 j+ R7 P
MOViE CROPPED.....:  No9 s/ L7 s( I$ e$ _* u  e( P9 W- v
FiLM ASPECT RATiO.:  2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen (Lens) 0 R! s/ M0 j5 ?- J  z1 |+ y
RESOLUTiON........:  1920 X 1080p
EXTRAS............:  Sorry no Acces to Extras ( F  s: i* \) h+ R% t0 b  `5 R* v2 V
SUBTiTLES.........:  English, Italian, Russian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech,
                      Romanian, Turkish, Slovak, Slovenian
1 A2 T! S% m( Q( R% M) ~/ m
  ]- k% P8 n/ q5 C$ a9 r; k
  d; H% c2 A3 C% i- e+ j/ Y7 Y
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Attack.of.the.Clones.2002.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD-6.1.x264-Grym.(@BTNET).mkv9 j- i3 i+ [; ?7 B
, e3 M  x/ F8 I8 O  R; F7 i
: ^3 v: `5 c; ?
Ten years later, Anakin Skywalker shares a forbidden romance with Padm茅, while Obi-Wan investigates an assassination attempt on the Princess and discovers a secret clone army crafted for the Jedi., @1 r4 X2 {) X8 D2 T5 N
Director..........:  George Lucas
% H: u  s  S; n  i; l  P% @
Writer............:  George Lucas  \  J- |! x, [9 A
% Q) _/ `  K+ B  I5 @2 W
Starring..........:  Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor       ( c$ r; x: |  N  Q4 U
iMDB URL..........:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0121765* w9 u3 J6 J# E  w! k
SOURCE TYPE.......:  Retail Blu-Ray (38,9 Movie / 43,3 GB Full)
ViDEO SPECS.......:  x264 2PASS @ 14000+ Kbps (High@L4.1)
AUDiO SPECS 1.....:  English DTS-HD 6.1 4533 kbps 24 bit (Core: 1509 kbps)
AUDiO SPECS 2.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew* j) f. x  Y8 S* |- i* f8 t
AUDiO SPECS 3.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew
RUNTiME...........:  2h 22 min
FiLM ASPECT RATiO.:  2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen (Lens) ! K3 V7 y5 n  r) P
RESOLUTiON........:  1920 X 1080p
EXTRAS............:  Sorry no Acces to Extras
SUBTiTLES.........:  English, Italian, Russian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech,
                      Romanian, Turkish, Slovak, Slovenian
0 [2 h7 K; R! H- Q
---------------------8 a. r2 I) z8 x1 w
( e5 l( Q5 O5 J$ m* k/ t: U
, h) f6 N9 r( l# N+ F4 e% u
After three years of fighting in the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker falls prey to the Sith Lord s lies and makes an enemy of the Jedi and those he loves, concluding his journey to the Dark Side. , L  H9 u$ P% I$ a  R! g( k7 Y8 L
; t  S4 h- s1 u  N1 a5 \+ H/ Y6 P
7 o: z  r: h9 a6 m8 m8 Y0 `8 U
Director..........:  George Lucas$ |4 p2 b! G- U# s9 ?
Writer............:  George Lucas  a/ \+ `  Z8 r1 |/ T( F
1 _6 Q0 O, Q  w  T+ l! K  w
Starring..........:  Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor        ( F+ ]2 i6 j  J3 M
, v% E$ W/ V5 Z# _9 U: ^
9 q! P1 Z8 Q% X; F+ z  W, c
iMDB URL..........:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0121766
SOURCE TYPE.......:  Retail Blu-Ray (39,0 Movie / 43,3 GB Full)1 S* |. o9 y% Q$ x  q# E
ViDEO SPECS.......:  x264 2PASS @ 14000+ Kbps (High@L4.1)0 V$ O/ M5 B# ?5 r
AUDiO SPECS 1.....:  English DTS-HD 6.1 4403 kbps 24 bit (Core: 1509 kbps)
AUDiO SPECS 2.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew
AUDiO SPECS 3.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew
RUNTiME...........:  2h 20 min
MOViE CROPPED.....:  No$ e+ ~6 ~8 e3 C1 \- H; r
FiLM ASPECT RATiO.:  2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen (Lens) 2 {2 }2 _$ _+ Z9 i2 Z
RESOLUTiON........:  1920 X 1080p; ]( H4 J4 d4 ^  ]( ?/ {: s) V! a  H
EXTRAS............:  Sorry no Acces to Extras
SUBTiTLES.........:  English, Italian, Russian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech,
                      Romanian, Turkish, Slovak, Slovenian( ^  b) V+ U3 b  }  ]
5 x4 D4 e2 G( g5 Z
% o) X. b# H# E( {# w/ A  r8 n* k
---------------------/ ]; Y( c8 M( p! X- r
  M; r; G9 m# R9 ^9 J, t+ J; G  g  x
Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a wookiee and two droids to save the universe from the Empire s world-destroying battle-station, while also attempting to rescue Princess Leia from the evil Darth Vader./ i  f  h  `1 S7 V4 q
4 L# ]  X: N# a; j% x
- p: R3 s+ j, v. [# W
Director..........:  George Lucas  l: X, k+ x  T6 D  ^: O
5 X# _6 q5 r( C$ E* f* h# q1 N
Writer............:  George Lucas! b4 @: X. w, s7 o
% P$ W- @2 m  z( y8 }; z* M* {
Starring..........:  Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher        
9 }; O1 I/ M# u, e1 b
iMDB URL..........:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076759
SOURCE TYPE.......:  Retail Blu-Ray (36,8 Movie / 38,9 GB Full)) Y8 T: e( N! h0 @  A# @
ViDEO SPECS.......:  x264 2PASS @ 14000+ Kbps (High@L4.1)
AUDiO SPECS 1.....:  English DTS-HD 6.1 4069 kbps 24 bit (Core: 1509 kbps)
AUDiO SPECS 2.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew
AUDiO SPECS 3.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew 7 y3 l7 b. j8 t
RUNTiME...........:  2h 04 min
MOViE CROPPED.....:  No* _2 h8 o+ `  w8 R. n7 O$ G
FiLM ASPECT RATiO.:  2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen (Lens)   ^- w/ z$ r  k
RESOLUTiON........:  1920 X 1080p
EXTRAS............:  Sorry no Acces to Extras
SUBTiTLES.........:  English, Italian, Russian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech,6 A9 v  S0 J0 w  g  f
                      Romanian, Turkish, Slovak, Slovenian
  G3 x  Q  j* G, [0 I
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The.Empire.Strikes.Back.1980.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD-6.1.x264-Grym.(@BTNET).mkv( G1 a: Z. c* y: b2 V1 Y  X
  x; O- J9 _- t! n, w! N. b6 j7 m
5 h* `  ^/ }+ a# M0 l  H  ^
After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke.
9 Q8 w- F  J  z4 I
Director..........:  George Lucas) f. @+ p7 a- y0 c7 Y
9 i; U  ~- s7 y4 |
Writer............:  George Lucas
Starring..........:  Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher        
iMDB URL..........:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080684  z/ T  o+ T; Q  x0 D2 y
SOURCE TYPE.......:  Retail Blu-Ray (36,9 Movie / 38,9 GB Full)
ViDEO SPECS.......:  x264 2PASS @ 14000+ Kbps (High@L4.1)
AUDiO SPECS 1.....:  English DTS-HD 6.1 4564 kbps 24 bit (Core: 1509 kbps)4 |! U( x  x9 t# p1 i
AUDiO SPECS 2.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew3 g/ k3 l7 K  V  ^. D
AUDiO SPECS 3.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew
RUNTiME...........:  2h 07 min
MOViE CROPPED.....:  No0 P( X; G7 `4 }
FiLM ASPECT RATiO.:  2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen (Lens)
RESOLUTiON........:  1920 X 1080p: Q7 X  x- L  z$ G; |$ @
EXTRAS............:  Sorry no Acces to Extras
SUBTiTLES.........:  English, Italian, Russian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech,
                      Romanian, Turkish, Slovak, Slovenian; E+ O; L( ]. a+ |
  ?4 N1 F- b5 I0 j3 j3 C# e
8 r  `- ^7 K0 @2 `% h  B+ }
Return.of.the.Jedi.1983.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD-6.1.x264-Grym.(@BTNET).mkv3 t: o1 v* l7 G  _3 Y+ D5 C
; F0 Z! @5 a, G3 E7 O
After rescuing Han Solo from the palace of Jabba the Hutt, the Rebels attempt to destroy the Second Death Star, while Luke Skywalker tries to bring his father back to the Light Side of the Force.
! V- C- x  A2 a5 L
Director..........:  George Lucas% p  J+ ]: U2 N/ w  U
Writer............:  George Lucas  `- \* K. ?1 q. _
Starring..........:  Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher        + d  z0 T1 h7 _! N
  Z. S+ _  f: g2 Z
iMDB URL..........:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086190
SOURCE TYPE.......:  Retail Blu-Ray (37,3 Movie / 39,4 GB Full)( [0 f; j, n1 ]- t
ViDEO SPECS.......:  x264 2PASS @ 14000+ Kbps (High@L4.1)
AUDiO SPECS 1.....:  English DTS-HD 6.1 4553 kbps 24 bit (Core: 1509 kbps)
AUDiO SPECS 2.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew
AUDiO SPECS 3.....:  Commentary Director George Lucas   Cast   Crew 1 A6 m. _$ m# ~
RUNTiME...........:  2h 14 min
FiLM ASPECT RATiO.:  2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen (Lens)
RESOLUTiON........:  1920 X 1080p5 Q+ R5 F; h( I) I5 U5 p/ b  h
EXTRAS............:  Sorry no Acces to Extras 9 c% N+ f3 i  C. Y% v
SUBTiTLES.........:  English, Italian, Russian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech,
                      Romanian, Turkish, Slovak, Slovenian                                                                                


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The.Star.Wars.Saga.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD-6.1.x264-Grym.torrent ( 556.71 KB )



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净。萱甄桦』 发表于 2019-8-24 21:53:56 | 显示全部楼层
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kittyll23 发表于 2019-8-24 22:14:23 | 显示全部楼层
好电影 谢谢楼主分享
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typelv 发表于 2019-8-24 22:44:50 | 显示全部楼层
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TheOne 发表于 2020-7-4 13:05:40 | 显示全部楼层

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