
[恐怖] 木乃伊女士的诅咒 Isis.Rising.Curse.Of.The.Lady.Mummy.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264-ENCOUNTERS

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木乃伊女士的诅咒 Isis.Rising.Curse.Of.The.Lady.Mummy.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264-ENCOUNTERS-1.jpg
【影片原名】Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy+ x- z  A2 w8 k+ j2 t+ k8 X
【中文译名】木乃伊女士的诅咒, i/ v- {/ J/ W2 y
【出品公司】Platinum Assassin Film   Multimedia  Y* A4 J- w4 s! J  C) F
【出品年代】2013 年+ k* k2 h9 S6 y3 S# U# K7 }
【上映日期】2013年1月18日 印度 l% d4 V  c
【IMDB评分】2.8/10 (116 votes)
【国  家】美国
【类  别】恐怖+ k7 q/ D5 b3 S8 C
【导  演】Lisa Palenica
【主  演】Priya Rai ... Isis
      James Bartholet ... Henry
      Michael Alvarez ... Jay8 P6 E3 P. S) x1 j: x
      William  Bill  Connor ... Reaper
      Robin Daniel Egan ... Kyle
      Joshua DuMond ... Dustin
      Judith Eisenberg ... Curator3 A  T# z6 V  I5 Y. q. }$ C
      Seth Gandrud ... Dr. Nasir
      Randy Oppenheimer ... Professor Shields) |9 X5 x! i4 W6 t9 x) F
      Lisa Palenica ... Felicia
      Jing Song ... Amy
      Ben Steele ... Reporter7 i  N- T4 }  O
      Cameron Tevis ... Osiris! t( P# {  ?6 O  ?  b+ ^
      Shellie Ulrich ... Serrena; B$ J; H9 Q3 t. b6 i0 ^6 [
  w. e, j4 r- ^4 P. S4 D
0 F  E9 W9 H2 t0 ?6 S! b
) a6 v, i4 s$ t2 k
In ancient Egypt, Isis and Osiris ruled the land. All were happy for the couple except one, Set, a jealous man who killed Osiris in order to take over his kingdom. Isis snuck into Osiris  tomb and tried to raise him from the dead using her black magic. Set caught Isis in the act and had Osiris cut to pieces, with each piece buried in a different part of the land, so Isis could never again raise her husband. Isis vowed to avenge Osiris  death and return with him to rule over all the worlds. Now, six college students Kyle, Dustin, Felicia, Jay, Serena and Amy take their last course in archeology in anticipation for graduation. Their last assignment is to uncover and document the museum s new acquisitions with their teacher, Professor Shields and world-renowned Egyptologist Dr. Nasir. During the night they haphazardly awaken the ancient spirit of Isis  lost soul and her wrath is unleashed on the group. As students start to disappear one by one, they must band together to stop Isis from ...


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木乃伊女士的诅咒 Isis.Rising.Curse.Of.The.Lady.Mummy.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264-ENCOUNTERS-2.jpg 8 I7 r, x9 e% Q7 r
  v8 K* F  ?2 E. B5 c  g1 q  w
! }  z8 V+ W) B/ b7 e( b5 A0 |
0 R! J! }3 a  S4 {3 l% G
Length..............: 1h 21mn+ |; x; j0 e  t* _1 n
Video...............: 1920x1080 (X264 @ 23.976fps)
Bitrate.............: 8169Kbps+ V% t4 ]5 ?  A2 r9 A1 z  N
Audio...............: AC3 448 Kbps
Language............: English
Subtitles...........: N/A  H2 J( d, @  A, F
Genre ..............: Horror | Horror
; n  J1 x+ L$ e
0 _9 C# `3 K4 h  U- J/ x% P
木乃伊女士的诅咒 Isis.Rising.Curse.Of.The.Lady.Mummy.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264-ENCOUNTERS-3.jpg 木乃伊女士的诅咒 Isis.Rising.Curse.Of.The.Lady.Mummy.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264-ENCOUNTERS-4.jpg 木乃伊女士的诅咒 Isis.Rising.Curse.Of.The.Lady.Mummy.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264-ENCOUNTERS-5.jpg 木乃伊女士的诅咒 Isis.Rising.Curse.Of.The.Lady.Mummy.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264-ENCOUNTERS-6.jpg

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